Keep ASV IDs when converting to relative abundance

Hi @Mehrbod_Estaki

Okay so I am trying to follow along here but I am a bit lost as to what the files are in terms of conversion

So after assigning taxonomy, I performed the following to get the taxonomy at the genus level:
qiime taxa collapse
--i-table /home/Rocks/outputs/qza_intermediates/rocks16S_table.qza
--i-taxonomy /home/Rocks/outputs/qza_intermediates/rocks16S_taxonomy.qza
--p-level 6
--o-collapsed-table genus16S_table.qza

Then converted that file into the relative frequency table:
qiime feature-table relative-frequency
--i-table genus16S_table.qza
--o-relative-frequency-table genus16S_relabund_table.qza

Then converted that relative abundance file into a BIOM file:
qiime tools export
--input-path genus16S_relabund_table.qza
--output-path genus16S_relabund

Then converted the BIOM file into a TSV file:
biom convert -i 16S_relabund.biom -o 16S_relabund.tsv --to-tsv

This is what the TSV file currently looks like:

But this is what I want it to look like:

From the tutorial linked above, it seems the feature IDs are kept as random letters and numbers (e.g., 4b5eeb300368260019c1fbc7a3c718fc) instead of ASV1.

Please advise. Thank you for your time. :slight_smile: