Issue while importing the SILVA database's consensus taxonomy file

Hi @Claudio21,

Welcome :qiime2:!

I am unsure of what the issue might be concerning your command. I was able to successfully import the taxonomy file on my laptop using the following command:

qiime tools import  \
      --type 'FeatureData[Taxonomy]'  \
      --input-format HeaderlessTSVTaxonomyFormat \
      --input-path taxonomy/16S_only/99/consensus_taxonomy_7_levels.txt \
      --output-path 16s-only-7level.qza

There are a couple of other options you can try until we can figure out why the import is not working:

  1. You can download pre-compiled classifiers from the Data resources page.
  2. We are currently making strides to refine the SILVA reference files. There is an updated prototype available. This stemmed out of prior discussions on the forum you can read about here and here. Keep in mind that SILVA will be soon undergoing a substantial change in how it manages taxonomy, etc. Keep an eye out for these to occur sometime in November.


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