I am quite new working with lme-regression in gneiss. I have data from the same individuals taken at 7 different time points (so I chose lme-regression instead of ols-regression). I used performed gradient clustering based on the day the samples were taken (Time_days) and used --p-formula Time_days and --p-groups 'Subject_ID' in lme-regression.
I got a FDR corrected coefficient p-value of 2.52EXP-12 for balance 'y1' at the species level with 20 taxa in the numerator and 122 in the denominator.
What does exactly the coefficient for that balance 'y1' mean?
Group variance = 1.275354
Intercept = 0.370015
Time_days = 0.027925
Also, is there any way I can see using gneiss the variance explained (R2) by that particular balance?
Hi @cdl, note that we are in the middle deprecating LME regression in favor of other differential abundances methods such as songbird and aldex2. See this post as well: Linear Regression Summary in Gneiss - #11