Unexpected Projected Prediction and Log Ratio Plots from Gneiss

Hi @Zachary_Bendiks note that we are currently deprecating these functionality in gneiss and recommend to instead look at songbird and aldex2

There have been a few other related posts on this, so feel free to read those

Regarding your questions

  1. Yes, log ratios largely negate the need for rarefaction - but the issue with zeros remains. This is better handled in songbird and aldex2 due to their Multinomial model.
  2. Definitely, collinearity is still a problem in differential abundance. The standard statistical recommendations still apply here - I'd start with fitting multiple models and comparing their differences.
  3. We're deprecating this functionality and recommend songbird/aldex2 instead. So no, please don't trust those results.
  4. Nature is often non-linear, so maybe this isn't completely unexpected. Linear methods can help with insights on this, but certainly won't be the best model for this.