when I run the following command for predicting metadata values with q2 -sample classifier (qiime sample-classifier classify-samples (--i-table table.qza --m-metadata-file sample-metadata.tsv --m-metadata-column Condition --p-optimize-feature-selection --p-parameter-tuning --p-estimator RandomForestClassifier --p-n-estimators 20 --p-random-state 123 --output-dir classifier)
It gives this error ((1/1) Invalid value for '--i-table': 'moving-pictures-table.qza' is not a
QIIME 2 Artifact (.qza)).
The version of QIIME 2 you are running, along with the specifications of your operating system/machine.
Copy/paste your entire command, including the --verbose flag at the end, along with the terminal output and associated error message you are receiving.