Importing directory

Hi all,
I am running VirtualBox Version 6.1.4, and I downloaded the latest version VirtualBox image of Qiime2 (2020.2). I have one file in fastq.gz format.The problems comes when I try to import my directory. Firstly I change the directory, then I try Import by โ€œ+โ€:
Source Format = CasavaOneEightSingleLanePerSampleDirFmt
Semantic Type = SampleData[PairedEndSequencesWithQuality]
when I press GO i run into this message:
BAD REQUEST - Unknown expression: <class '_ast.Str'>

It would be great if someone can help me.

Thank you in advance.

Hi, @Camilla. Welcome to the forum!

Can you attach a screenshot of q2studio before you press Go! and get the error?

I was able to reproduce this error and am looking into a solution for this as well as some other bugs in q2studio.


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Hi Andrew,
Thank you for your reply.
Here the screenshot

Hi, @Camilla!

I apologize that it has taken a while to figure this out. We ended up discovering some other problems with q2studio that took some time to fix. The bug fixes should be approved this week once this pull request is merged: Fix importing by andrewsanchez ยท Pull Request #179 ยท qiime2/q2studio ยท GitHub.

A new VirtualBox image will be published with q2studio updates with the next release of :qiime2:, scheduled for 5/28. [Preview] QIIME 2 2020.6 development changelog.

In the mean time, you are welcome to install the updated version of q2studio from source at GitHub - qiime2/q2studio: Prototype graphical user interface for QIIME 2

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Best wishes,

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