Import multiplexed R1.fastq and R2.fastq with mixed forward and reverse reads + truncate reverse primer

Hi @Martin!

That is quite an involved workflow! We're still working on a couple of upstream steps (e.g. so a lot of this is kind of hypothetical:

There is a format for paired-end multiplexed data, however it does presume that your barcodes are in a separate file, which isn't the case without something like

This is actually something we are looking to have implemented soon, this same situation generally exists for ITS data where your reverse primer ends up on your forward read. I don't think we had really expected to filter via the reverse primer, but it's an interesting idea (though not relevant to ITS which is what we've mostly been thinking about). We're thinking about a cut-adapt plugin, to handle both and, so this could probably fit into that somewhere at some point.

That makes sense, perhaps we could have something that could filter sequences based on primers/adapters which could also handle your reverse-primer filtering scenario.

In short, we basically don't have any of those pieces in QIIME 2 yet, but we're working on it! Thanks for letting us know this is something you need!

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