How to upgrade QIIME 2 VirtualBox?

By the way, I use qiime2 by virtual box. If the latest version come, I need to download the new one and delete the old version, or I can update it with input some code in the console? Thanks!

Good morning,

You can update Qiime using the console, without having to download a new VM image. Inside the virtualbox image, you can install the newest version of qiime by following the instructions here:

Your operating system on the VM is Linux (64-bit).

Let me know if you have any questions about installing / updating qiime on the virtualbox.


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Thanks for the info @colinbrislawn! @wym199633, you are certainly free to follow @colinbrislawn’s suggestion, but our official recommendation is to download and install the newest version of QIIME 2 VirtualBox. This is because there are a handful of things that we do in each release to properly set up things like QIIME 2 Studio, tab completion, mounts, and so on. If you follow @colinbrislawn’s suggestion, those other elements most likely won’t work automatically, and we won’t be able to provide support for cleaning those things up. Just something to keep in mind!

Thanks! :t_rex:

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Ok! I think download it again would be better because I’m not really good at computer things :slight_smile: Thank for reply! And I’m waiting for the new version :grin:


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