How to transfer files conveniently between macbook and server?

How to transfer files conveniently between macbook and server?
Is there a way better than scp command to transfer files between server and a macbook? And Is there a way to view .qzv file directly from server without downloading it on local.

Hi @Kevin,

Just as a note: I moved this to “other bioinformatic tools” because it’s more of a tool-related question, and not really a theoretical/discussion item.

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Hi Keven,

I had the exactly same issue. My solution was to run Juptyer Notebook in server. This allows me to open .qzv files directly from the server. You can also transfer files between the local computer and the remote server.

Assuming you have already installed QIIME 2 in your server (Jupyter Notebook should have been automatically installed during QIIME 2 installation), you can follow the steps in my Blogspot post ( Let me know if you have any questions.

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