How to import paried end sequencing files and full length sequencing files together into qiime2?

You may have found this already, but if not, here are the docs for DADA2 CCS (for PacBio)

Once you have long PacBio ASVs and short Illumina ASVs, trimming all of them to be short is the easiest way forward. Consider the RESCRIPt plugin for this: GitHub - bokulich-lab/RESCRIPt: REference Sequence annotation and CuRatIon Pipeline

qiime rescript extract-seq-segments: Using RESCRIPt's 'extract-seq-segments' to extract reference sequences without PCR primer pairs.

Zooming out, multi-region analysis and variable-length analysis are huge unsolved problems. See this discussion from a few years ago.

The method I'm proposing is basically 'turn everything into short reads so they match' which is the cleanest option, but totally removes the advantage of your longer reads! :crying_cat_face: