I am trying to demux a new dataset and am getting the following error:
Plugin error from demux:
No sequences were mapped to samples. Check that your barcodes are in the correct orientation (see the rev_comp_barcodes and/or rev_comp_mapping_barcodes options). If barcodes are NOT Golay format set golay_error_correction to False.
I have confirmed that I do NOT need to use the reverse complement options and if I set "golay_error_correction" to "False", the sequences DO demultiplex. Where I am confused, is that these should be Golay barcodes as they are the EMP 16S V4 primers/indexes. For example here is a barcode sequence from by fastq file which is the Plate 3 G5 index:
Yeah, that's surprising to me too! I wonder if this is a hold over from the original EMP methods. They are pretty old so there could be some surprises in there!
Could you try this on your data? Hit'em with the double reverse, and report back!