Getting Krona HTML Images programatically

Dear All,
I am performing the Qiime 2 Analysis. After performing the Analysis I am generating the Krona chart for the otu clusters. Till now I am creating Krona images by

opening the Krona Chart generated as html in a browser

And then taking a size based screenshot of the web page containing the chart.

I want to get rid of this 2 step process and generate an image directly without the need of opening the html page. I tried a javascript program named as phantom.js which hasa sub program called rastersize.js but I am not able to capture the image. I hereby attach the image alongside the query. Please suggest me how to get the Krona image programatically.

I thank you for reading such a lengthy and time consuming query and request you kindly share ideas and ways for the same.

Thanks and Best Regards,
Rahul Yadav

The image is provided below:


I had worked on integrating Krona to Q2 but I had to postpone due to my lack of time management skills :upside_down_face:

I believe, currently, there is not a function that does what you ask for. Maybe you could try writing your own script that could accomplish such thing.

It would be better if you mingle Krona page and ask directly to the developer(s) since it is not a Q2 tool.

P.S. The chart you have sent looks empty. Are you sure that you are generating the chart correctly?

Good luck.