Follow up to - Demux summarize error: Plugin error from demux- 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'

I have the same problem as already describes in this thread - Demux summarize error: Plugin error from demux- 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'.
I checked to see that I did have one too many or too few sequences after looking at the divisibility of total number of sequences by 4.
I have 300 fastq.gz files and I may not be able to investigate one by one. Is there a solution to summarize my demux.qza file ?
Also, I am using dada2 to perform sequence variants. So far it is running okay. Should I expect any errors ?


Hey there @venkar!

Fortunately QIIME 2 can do this for you!

qiime tools validate demux.qza

If you can run that command on the Artifact in question and provide the results here, that will be a great start! Thanks! :qiime2: :t_rex:


Perfect. I had only one sample that did not have the right number of lines, Hence I discarded that. I ran dada2 and it completed without any error after removing the offending sample.

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