Fasta.files from deblur failed to import QIIME2 about generate rep-seqs.qza

Hi @Jingsi_Tang! I want to take a quick step back — it looks like you used deblur, instead of q2-deblur to generate the files you are attempting to import. It looks like q2-deblur does a little bit of cleanup and manipulation of the files it produces in order for them to be saved as QIIME 2 Artifacts. Would it be possible for you to rerun the denoising step using q2-deblur instead of deblur? I know that is a bit of a pain, but I suspect it will make things simpler for you in the end. If you are unfamiliar with q2-deblur, please see the Moving Pictures Tutorial, which dedicates a bit of the denoising section to q2-deblur. Thanks! :t_rex:

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