Error with BarcodeSequence in Metadata Validation

Hello, I made a metadata table in excel, exported it as a tab delineated .txt file named 16S_meta to my working directory in Cyberduck. In terminal, I accessed my supercluster and ran the commands:
source activate qiime -m 16S_meta.txt -o validate_meta

after the command runs I get the error:
Errors and/or warnings detected in mapping file. Please check the log and html file for details.

My table looks is attached and I get the error "javascript:void(0);." when I hover over the red cells.

Does anyone know what might be wrong? I have no spaces or additional formatting that seems to be causing the issue. Is this a software issue?

@Gstruble, this forum’s primary focus is QIIME 2, so I’m reclassifying this to Other Bioinformatics Tools. Hopefully someone here can help!

In the meantime, you might consider asking your cluster admin to install QIIME 2 if they haven’t already. QIIME 1 has been unsupported for a couple of years now, and QIIME 2 has some pretty powerful features (including the fact that it is far, far easier to install. :laughing:).

All the best,
Chris :koala:

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