Dear Colleagues
I have been working paired-end sequence data but I am somehow stuck. Well, here is what I did and where I am having a problem:
So, I followed the QIIME2 pipeline and I managed to unzip the files and imported the data and demultiplexed them. I successfully trimmed off the primers using "cutadapt" and joined the pairs using "vsearch". According to the pipeline, I am supposed to quality-filter before I dereplicate and this I also did successfully. Now I am at the dereplicating stage with "vsearch" and I got the following error: "error: Plugin error from vsearch:
Command '['vsearch', '--derep_fulllength', '/tmp/q2-QIIME1DemuxDirFmt-f21k7p00/seqs.fna', '--output', '/tmp/q2-DNAFASTAFormat-bnkev469', '--relabel_sha1', '--relabel_keep', '--uc', '/tmp/tmpo2pyu2rl', '--qmask', 'none', '--xsize']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
Debug info has been saved to /tmp/qiime2-q2cli-err-afve0hsd.log"
Here is the command I used:
qiime vsearch dereplicate-sequences
--i-sequences filtered-joined.qza
--p-derep-prefix False
--o-dereplicated-table dereplicated-table.qza
--o-dereplicated-sequences dereplicated-sequences.qza
So, I checked on the QIIME2 forum ( Vsearch error when using dereplicate-sequences ) and someone there also ran into the same problem but they solved it by increasing the RAM memory allocated to the virtual machine from 2GB to 7GB and it worked for them. However, for me it did not work even when I followed the advice there. I then attempted to reduce the amount of data I was working with and it worked. Besides this weak solution, what else can I do?
Thank you for your help.