Hi! Beginner Qiime user here.
I'm trying to run some diversity analyses for the first time and am following the moving pictures tutorial with the (very large) dataset I'm working on. When I was running the "diversity core-metrics-phylogenetic" command, I got the following error message:
Plugin error from diversity:
Missing one or more files for DistanceMatrixDirectoryFormat: 'distance-matrix.tsv'
Debug info has been saved to /var/folders/31/v4yw1h5d5rz0fmzp86gmpm1h0000gp/T/qiime2-q2cli-err-69bhwhx2.log
Here's the debug info file. (Converted from .log to .txt so I can upload it)
qiime2-q2cli-err-69bhwhx2.txt (2.9 KB)
For reference, here's the command I'm running. As far as I can tell, the input files don't seem to be the problem and the sampling depth of 5002 was determined using the alpha rarefaction tables as suggested elsewhere on the forum.
qiime diversity core-metrics-phylogenetic \
--i-phylogeny /users/ChenJo/querying_redbiom/Actual_Data/tree/rooted-tree.qza \
--i-table /users/ChenJo/querying_redbiom/Actual_Data/feature-table-AGP.qza \
--p-sampling-depth 5002 \
--m-metadata-file /users/ChenJo/querying_redbiom/Actual_Data/AGP-metadata.tsv \
--output-dir core-metrics-results
My version is Qiime2-2022.2 and it was installed using miniconda on Mac terminal. I didn't run the command with --verbose
at first, but am trying to do so now. Unfortunately, last time it took several days to run on my laptop so it might be several more days until I'm able to past the results of running it with --verbose
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!