qiime tools import --input-path ./SILVA_138_SSURef_tax_silva.fasta --type 'FeatureData[Sequence]' --output-path ./q2files/SSUreferenceSeqs.qza
echo; echo "ASV table, ASV sequences, and reference sequences have been converted to .qza"
I get this error;
SILVA_138_SSURef_tax_silva.fasta.gz is not a(n) DNAFASTAFormat file:
First line of file is not a valid description. Descriptions must start with '>'
Invalid character 'U' at position 2 on line 2 (does not match IUPAC characters for this sequence type
this is how the head of the sequence looks
Qiime2 Data resources page has plenty of information about the files and supplies both the sequence and taxonomy files as .qza files. Just scroll down to the Silva (16S/18S rRNA) section and you'll see them.
Then you can move to the extract reads step or training step as desired (information on how to perform those steps is here )
Thank you for the response.
I am sorry to ask, but how do I download the database to the cluster?
Also, do I still need to use "Rescript" to process the database?
I'd work with your cluster admins for help with such things.
You can copy the links to either the SILVA and/or Greengenes2 classifier files, from the Data resources page that was linked earlier. Then, while logged into your compute cluster, you can run the wget command as you've done before.
Only if you want to curate the database yourself and want to run through the linked tutorial.
Actually, I was suggesting that you download the pre-formatted classifiers from the QIIME 2 Data resources page that @buzic linked to. That is, the qza files.
Again, if you truly want to import and format the SILVA database yourself, then you'll need to install RESCRIPt plugin and follow the tutorial.
Glad you got it to work! Although that is specific to the V4 region. Anyway, some other thoughts...
I'd recommend using the latest version of QIIME 2 ( 2023.9). The version (2022.2) you are using is over a year old.
Assuming you want to run the classifier via feature-classifier classify-sklearn you should be downloading the classifiers. The following should work to download these: