Denoising issue across different computing platform

Hi @guojun_wu
Usually I work in a shared space between my working machine and a home laptop, so yes, sometimes I run the same dataset with the same settings and the same version of Qiime2.
But I didn't check if the outputs are completely identical, since I store output in the cloud and work on the same files, not in parallel.

Here are the links to similar discussions that probably will answer your question, check it out

  1. I run DADA2 and got significantly different ASV numbers at different machines with the same data and setting. - #4 by Mehrbod_Estaki
  2. DADA2 denoise-single chimera removal inconsistence - #21 by benjjneb
  3. Reproduce QIIME2 DADA2 results in DADA2 R
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