da-barplot-ancombc into inkscape

Hi all,

I got some da-barplot from ancombc that i need to edit in inkscape to combine figures there. I choose to save as SVG from qiime view thingking that would be editable later in inkscape but once opened in inkscape it is a png and not accepting ungrouping for further editing.

Any insights how to overcome this please!

Any available way either to get the da-barplots from ancombc plot all figures in one window for all variables choosen and two by two!


Hello @Sabrin,

I just exported as svg from this figure and everything looked correct to me. Is it possible you imported as png in inkscape or accidentally exported as png from the visualizer? The svg exporting functionality comes from the Altair library so is 1) heavily tested and 2) outside of our control to fix/troubleshoot. I would guess that it's going wrong when importing into inkscape, but I'm not familiar with that software.

Try opening the saved file in a text editor, if you see English characters with symbols like <text>, <rect> etc. then it's svg and the problem likely lies with inkscape. If you see what looks like gibberish then it's likely in png format.