Hi everyone,
I was recently given a .tsv feature table file, a screenshot of a portion of the file is displayed below:
My goal is to filter taxa with the Eukaryota and Archaea domains using qiime2-2020.11. I first converted the .tsv file to .biom file using the following code:
biom convert -i featuretable.tsv -o featuretable.biom --table-type "Table" --to-hdf5
I then converted the .biom file to .qza artifact:
qiime tools import
--input-path featuretable.biom
--type FeatureTable[Frequency]
--output-path featuretable.qza
I then used the featuretable.qza
file as input for my filtering step
qiime taxa filter-table
--i-table featuretable.qza
--i-taxonomy taxonomy.qza
--p-mode contains
--p-exclude "D_0__Eukaryota","D_0__Archaea"
--o-filtered-table filteredtable.qza
When I perform this step, I get the following error: All features ids must be present in taxonomy, but the following ids are not: C4, C18, C22, C42, ...
; the error then lists every sample I have in my dataset. When I convert my featuretable.qza
to a visualization file, I see that the ASV ids and the sample ids are transposed (please note - the ASVs in this screenshot are in alphabetical order;t the ASVs in the previous screenshot are not):
I tried using qiime feature-table transpose
to transpose the artifact. When I re-run my qiime taxa filter-table
with the transposed feature table, I get the same error except the ASVs are in-place of the sample IDs.
What am I doing wrong? I've used the same taxonomy file throughout my project and have had no issues with it so far.
Thank you for your help.