I just want a confirmation of my "strange" results.
I have read these topics which are related of my results interpretation:
And there is many others
I understand that we need to consider the W paramater and not just the "reject null hypothesis".
I have done two ANCOM analysis a level 7 (species) and a level 6 (genus).
Here are the two results:
At level 7 (species) I have all species significatively different while in level 6 (genus) there is no genus significantly different. I see in other topics that we must take into account the W parameter. If it is at zero we can say that there is no difference.
The level 7 (species) analysis on many species has the same data as the level 6 (genus) analysis, I put an example in green. Why at level 6 (genus) these genus does not appear significant?
I look at the data of d__Eukaryota;p__Ciliophora;c__Intramacronucleata;o__Litostomatea;f__Haptoria;; at level 7 (species) in the taxa-bar-plots.qzv file.
I know the data in ANCOM are normalized with 25% features that is assumed which are not different in abundance so the data that I looked in the taxa-bar-plots.qzv file are not the using one in statistical analysis. I wonder how I can see the normalized data?
Nethertheless in the taxa-bar-plots.qzv file I have only one sample which have 120 for Haptoria. This is strange that the statistical analysis show a W of 1.
I think I have to apply two manual filters: (1) if there is a "1" on the percentile "0" this is strange so I can remove the results, and (2) to remove all results with a W = 0.
Am I right?
Thanks for the QIIME2 support, I have posted so many questions since november :qiime2:.