I run command qiime tools view alpha-rarefaction.qzv to see rarefaction curves. For one of my sample set, no errors are generated, the axes and dropdowns are generated, but no plot is displayed. The associated csv file has the data. The first time I tried, it contained observed otus and plot axis were labeled accordingly. The subsequent attempts generated CSV with shannon index, but plot is never displayed. I do not have the same problem with 3 other sample sets I run through Qiime2.
Running Qiime2 (qiime2-2019.1) on macOS Mojave, version 10.14.3 installed with conda
What could be causing this problem? Thank you!
Hi @Anna --- the problem is the percent signs in your metadata values. If you replace those with something like 'p', or drop entirely I think it will work. Sorry about that.