I've been trying these steps in order to import the biom file to Qiime1 and summarize the taxa barplot by categories. The export parts worked fine, I think, but when trying to add the metadata values to the biom file this error is returned:
biom.exception.BiomParseException: No header line was found in mapping file.
I have changed the biom-taxonomy.tsv file header line in order to reproduce what you wrote on your answer, like this:
#OTUID taxonomy confidence
This way, when running the code line, the error I reproduced before appears:
biom add-metadata -i exported/feature-table.biom -o table-with-taxonomy.biom --observation-metadata-fp biom-taxonomy.tsv --sc-separated taxonomy
Do you know where the error could be? Maybe with the table.qza file I am using? I tried using the table file obtained after the trimming step, maybe I should use another one?
Thank you very much in advance!