Adding metadata tags to feature-table visualizations

My sample IDs, for the sake of uniformity within a specific project, usually look something like WS001, WS002, WS003, etc...., so a sample ID by itself isn't that informative. When looking at feature-table.qzv files in Qiime2, I often find myself looking up sample id's in my mapping file to contextualize what I see (i.e. which IDs fall out of diversity analysis at a given sampling depth and which metadata category each ID corresponds to). I know the visualization has the ability to agglomerate barplot columns by metadata category, but it then becomes a hassle to identify which specific sample ids correspond to which metadata categories without the option to see these tags simultaneously (in both the barplot and the table below). It would be great if you could include the option to add metadata columns to the table or layered metadata categories in the sample barplot (as you can within taxa barplot visualizations).


I really like that idea!

It could even be done automatically based on which column you are looking at in the plot, which should be really easy to add.

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Created an issue here!