About the Data resources category

The Community Data Resources category is for sharing QIIME 2 resources, such as trained feature classifiers or reference databases, that are not listed on the QIIME 2 Data Resources page. These may be contributed by members of the QIIME 2 developer or user community, or by QIIME 2 developers who are not ready to include their resource on the QIIME 2 Data Resources page yet.

Community Data Resources should include a description of why a reader would be interested in the resource, the current status of the resource (e.g., should users consider the resource to be publication quality, or is the resource more experimental?), the versions of QIIME 2 that the resource is known to work with, a description of how the resource can be used, a description of how the resource was developed, and a description of how the resource should be cited (if applicable).

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