WSL installation ncurses causes CaseInsensitiveFileSystemError

Trying to install on WSL with the following command :
conda env create -n qiime2-amplicon-2024.5 --file

the installation fails while installing ncurses

CaseInsensitiveFileSystemError('Error with archive /mnt/d/_ecole_adn/miniconda/pkgs/ncurses-6.5-he02047a_1.conda. You probably need to delete and re-download or re-create this file. Message was:\n\n\n Cannot extract package to a case-insensitive file system. Your install\n destination does not differentiate between upper and lowercase\n characters, and this breaks things. Try installing to a location that\n is case-sensitive. Windows drives are usually the culprit here - can\n you install to a native Unix drive, or turn on case sensitivity for\n this (Windows) location?\n\n package location: %(package_location)s\n extract location: %(extract_location)s\n ')

Any help ?

Hello Vincent,

Welcome to the forums! :qiime2:

Here's the error:

Are you running this in WSL or Powershell?

Where is your home directory?

If you can share screenshots, I think that would be very helpful to me.


It is in WSL from a terminal opened in mobaXterm
here is a screenshot :

I tried rebooting, restarting WSL, updating (sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade).
I also tried doing what is suggested in the error message : deleting /miniconda/pkgs/ncurses-6.5-he02047a_1.conda but still not working

I don't understand, if this is due to windows or the drive, then it should never work in WSL, and qiime2 should e flagged as "not compatible with WSL", right ?
I am trying to install it on a windows machine, therefore i'm using WSL. I do not have access to a "native UNIX drive " or computer, otherwise that's what I would have done

My primary way of using Qiime2 is on WSL2 in Windows 10, so it's possible.

I think WSL treats its 'real' Windows folders differently than the 'containerized' Linux directories, so maybe that's the issue.

It could be that you are running this as root, instead of as a user. (Conda does not need or want permissions for root or sudo! It's meant to run fully from the user home directory.)

Let us investigate this a little and report back to you!


Where do you have conda installed?
Run which conda to find out.

What's your home directory?
I would run echo ~ to find this out.

Creating your conda environment within your WSL Linux filesystem, e.g., under
/home/<your_username> instead of a Windows-mounted directory, should solve this issue.

This means reinstalling conda may be needed!
Use only a normal user account, not sudo or root for all these steps

Ok !
Indeed i was probably in a windows mounted directory when i installed miniconda (/mnt/d/).
I uninstalled conda an reinstalled it in ~ and it worked (at least I was able to install qiime2)
I just now have to use it !

Thanks a lot for your time and help !


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