Vsearch-Deblur vs DADA2


To better understand the DADA2 and deblur parameters + the primer removal difference, I would suggest taking a look at this post and be sure to identify the assumptions that each of these tools are making and how they relate to their parameters.

Now, IMOO it's really hard to make direct comparisons between the 2 methods, mainly because of the error models. Remember DADA2 creates an error model per run ("on the fly"), while deblur uses a general predefined model.

Anyway, thanks for sharing your summaries. Something clear from the 3 files (demux.qzv, demux-joined-filtered.qzv, deblur-stats.qzv), is that demux.qzv doesn't have the same initial input as the other 2. Is this expected? Perhaps you can try using the same inputs. Also, out of curiosity, what's the results if you use --p-trim-length 240 in deblur?


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