virtual machine qiime2 installation problem in window

Hi @Sky23,
Before I try to answer your question, I'd like to point out that this is not a support line, but rather a forum where many people volunteer their time helping community members. This is a minor distinction, but can be an important one to keep in mind.

As @Oddant1 said in response to your last post,

It looks as though you are trying to run a QIIME 2 command on a machine with only QIIME 1 installed. I suspect this is why it isn't working.

QIIME (1) has not been supported for a couple of years now, and has been replaced by QIIME 2. Unless you have a specific need for QIIME 1, I strongly recommend you install QIIME 2. These VMs are used regularly by Windows users, and with the possible exception of UI differences, I believe the walkthrough is accurate. If you have specific questions about how the installation process doesn't line up with your experience on a Windows machine, feel free to reply here.

Chris :cow2:

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