Using the "Search" bar function qiime2 docs in qiime version 2019.4

Hello, this seems silly but…

Ever since the update to qiime2 2019.4 happened when I’m looking at the qiime2 docs page (you know, the one with the tutorials and plugins and so on that you can link to) I can’t use the search bar anymore. If I switch back to the old docs page for version 2019.1 I can search things there. I mess things up and have lots of issues so I’m trying to search with some frequency. Please help.
Thank you

ps I tried using different browsers but it didn’t matter.


Hi there @bmillerlab - looks like the tool we use for building the docs (Sphinx) broke their search functionality in the version used to build the 2019.4 docs. Hopefully in the 2019.7 release of QIIME 2 we will be able to use a newer version of Sphinx that has the bug fixed. In the meantime, you can use a search engine like Google to perform site-limited search: demux

Thanks! :qiime2:

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Is there an easy way to update the current docs page to add this little note about the search functionality being broken, and add the advice here by @thermokarst regarding the Google search?

I’ve been searching through older version docs to figure things out and had no idea about that pointed search in Google. Thanks!


Good call, @devonorourke! I put out the batsignal:

Hopefully a caped crusader helps us out…
