Updating qiime2-2017.12 to qiime2-2019.10 in PUTTY virtual machine

Hello everyone.

I am currently using qiime2-2017.12 in putty virtual machine. I want to updated that to the latest version. How can I do that?

Thank you.


Hi @ari_sh70,

You should download and install the latest VM from the QIIME 2 website.

Good luck!

Hi @ari_sh70, just to add a follow-up question to @Nicholas_Bokulich's suggestion - how exactly do you have QIIME 2 installed? Putty isn't a virtual machine, although since putty is a terminal emulator, it can be used to log into a virtual machine, although that would be a pretty unusual workflow, in my opinion. Can you provide some more details?

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Hi @thermokarst, Since today, I am using putty and people before me installed qiime2-2017.12. The problem is that the commands are different from the current version that I am using in putty and qiime2-2019.10 that I have in my laptop and using Linux.

Hi @ari_sh70. Are you using virtualbox, docker, or a native conda installation of QIIME 2?

Hi @thermokarst I was using a native conda installation.
Anyway, I’ve tried several time to re-install qiime2 on the machine but it didn’t work and now I
am using my own laptop instead.

Thank you