Unable to Load shannon_vector.qza into r

Hi @jecohen,
Thanks for sharing your file. I can confirm that I was able to reproduce the same error with your artifact. I had no problem importing the shannon_vector.qza from either the 2021.2 or 2021.8 Moving Pictures tutorial with qiime2R 0.99.6 so I do think there's something specific about your artifact. I don't know exactly what the problem is, my first guess is that qiime2R is not liking your sample-names having ., -, and empty spaces, but I'm totally guessing here.
You have a couple of options:

  1. Import your shannon_vector.qza file into R manually. Just use qiime tools export command to grab the underlying table in that artifact and import it into R as you would with any TSV file.
  2. You can also try renaming your your sample names in your feature-table to remove those special characters and re-run core-metrics. This option is me just guessing and not guaranteed to work, but it would be a good confirmation of the error one way or another :stuck_out_tongue:

I'm also pinging @jbisanz here, the developer of qiime2R to see if he has any thoughts.

update: I just found this thread with a similar issue that seems to have been resolved by fixing the empty space in the sample name.

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