Unable to install qiime2-2018.6


trying to install the latest release on a ubuntu 64-bit server:
conda env create -n qiime2 -f qiime2-2018.6-py35-linux-conda.yml

I get the following error message:
Fetching package metadata …
NoPackagesFoundError: Package missing in current linux-64 channels:

  • intel-openmp 2018.0.3*

I have tried to install it manually with no avail:
conda install -c anaconda intel-openmp

Would anyone have any idea where to start?



FYI, I found a work around slightly altering the instructions. Maybe this is of use for others facing access rights to the root on a server:

#to install the “intel-openmp” when creating the environment first add anaconda to you channel
conda config --append channels anaconda

#now you can create the qiime2 environment and install qiime2 AND install intel-openmp:
conda env create -n qiime2-2018.6 intel-openmp --file qiime2-2018.6-py35-linux-conda.yml

Thanks for qiime2 and all the best!


FYI: I found a solution that might help others with limited access rights to the root on a server, slightly altering the installation procedure in the instructions.

#to install the “intel-openmp” when creating the environment first add anaconda to you channel
conda config --append channels anaconda

#create the environment and install intel-openmp with that environment
conda env create -n qiime2-2018.6 intel-openmp --file qiime2-2018.6-py35-linux-conda.yml

Thanks for qiime2 and all the best!


Hey there @jfinke - what version of conda are you running? This solution implies that you aren’t running a recent version of conda. Check out this similar post: Conda config overriding channel order - even when config file : None

I guess it could also indicate that there is a channel override in the config somewhere.


I thought I had updated conda to the current version as a first step this morning, maybe that went all wrong… I’ll look into that and otherwise the channel override.

Thanks a lot for your help!


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