Trouble with importing emp-single-end-sequences in moving picture tutorial

Hi Guys,
I am very new to QIIME2 and all those coding stuff. I was just following the "Moving picture tutorial" and stuck on a problem. I was trying to get the Output artifacts, but the Terminal said "There was a problem importing emp-single-end sequences: missing one or more files for EMPSingleEndDirFmt"
Could anyone tell me any trouble shooting with this?
Thanks a lot.

Hi @richie_Lee, welcome to the QIIME 2 community!

The error message is saying that the directory you're attempting to import (emp-single-end-sequences) is missing some expected files. Following along with the tutorial, you'll need to put two files in that directory: barcodes.fastq.qz and sequences.fastq.qz. There are links in the tutorial where you can download those data.

To see what files you have in the emp-single-end-sequences directory, you can use the ls tool:

ls emp-single-end-sequences

If everything looks right, you should see something like:

$ ls emp-single-end-sequences
barcodes.fastq.gz  sequences.fastq.gz

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