Hi everyone, I am having some problems updating my Qimme2. I have several versions already installed in my Ubuntu 20.04 5 LTS, but wanted to try new databases and then newer versions of the program.
My "newest" version installed without problems is 2021.8. Then 2021.11 installation with this does not work and when I try to update conda, is a failure, i get this message:
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: -
The environment is inconsistent, please check the package plan carefully
The following packages are causing the inconsistency:
Is there a reason you're attempting to install 2021.11 as opposed to our latest release version (2024.10)?
As a good jumping off point (unless your specific workflow prevents this from being possible), I'd recommend installing the latest version of the QIIME 2 Amplicon distribution.
If you run into any issues there, let us know and we can dig deeper.
I had qiime2 2020.8 environment and i tried to install 2024.10, but it does not work, so I thought that maybe if i went version by version it will work. i was able to install 2021.8 version but 2021.11 does not work either.
it does not give any error. Instalation seems that finish but when i checked the conda envs itś not there.
Any suggestions?
Can you please provide more details on what exactly isn't working, and what commands you ran? After installing the environment, did you run conda activate <name-of-your-environment>?
The more specific details/commands/screenshots of exactly what you did and where you're seeing something going wrong, the better we can assist you. Thanks!
First i run the conda update and this is what i get:
conda update conda
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: |
The environment is inconsistent, please check the package plan carefully
The following packages are causing the inconsistency:
Thanks for your patience while I was away for the holidays!
From the logs you've provided, I'm not seeing any actual error messages (as you mentioned in your prior message) - the 'environment is inconsistent' message is just a warning, and shouldn't impact the installation of this environment.
From your last attempt to install 2024.10:
This shows me that your conda environment should have the following name:
From your final command:
It looks like you've misspelled the environment name - it should be qiime2-amplicon-2024.10 rather than qiime2--2024.10.
The error that you're receiving is unusual though - bash: distro: No such file or directory indicates that conda wasn't recognized as a command (but instead thinks that distro was used within a bash command). You should receive an error message that looks like this when a conda environment isn't found:
EnvironmentNameNotFound: Could not find conda environment: qiime2--2024.10
Can you please provide the output of the following commands:
conda --version
conda env list
This will display the version of conda you have installed, along with all of the environments that exist under your conda installation.
Thanks for sharing those outputs - your list of conda environments looks reasonable, but the version of conda that you have installed is quite old. Let's try the following:
Making sure you're in your base env to start (run conda deactivate), please run conda update conda and then provide me with the output for conda --version once more.
I'm hoping to see something in the realm of 23.*.* Version 23 is the latest major version- minor versions under that may vary (my version is 23.7.4, just for reference).
Once you've successfully updated your version of conda, let's try installing 2024.10 once more- but I'd like to see the entire output in your terminal to make sure we don't miss anything. Please run the following command:
I am wondering if your version of conda is too old to update. In the past I've had to run something like this to get the latest version of conda:
conda install conda-forge::conda=24.11.3
conda install conda=24.11.3 -c conda-forge
This may or may not work depending on what is in your base conda. If it does not work, then you may simply have to install a separate updated version of conda in a different path. You can keep both versions of conda on your system and toggle between them by using <path-to-conda-version>/conda init. You may have to double check the commands etc... as I am trying to recall from memory.
So, standard support ends in April 2025, which is two months away.
After 5 years, it could be time for some spring cleaning.
(Like, you could keep the old VM and start setting up a new VM with the new conda and Qiime2. )