These samples do not have matching pairs of forward and reverse reads: {’.A.striata6’}


While importing my data, I encountered an error saying " These samples do not have matching pairs of forward and reverse reads" together with the IDs of the samples. I tried with a subset of the problematic samples, but it worked fine. Any ideas what the problem could be?



10 posts were merged into an existing topic: These samples do not have matching pairs of forward and reverse reads

Hi all!

I’m facing a similar issue when I try to import my paired-end data in qiime2. The code that I’m running is:

srun -p q2 -n1 --mem 50000 --export=All qiime tools import --type ‘SampleData[PairedEndSequencesWithQuality]’ --input-path 100_seqs --input-format CasavaOneEightSingleLanePerSampleDirFmt --output-path Anas_16s.qza

The message error is:

There was a problem importing 100_seqs/:

/tmp/q2-SingleLanePerSamplePairedEndFastqDirFmt-nu7og_q9 is not a(n) SingleLanePerSamplePairedEndFastqDirFmt:

These samples do not have matching pairs of forward and reverse reads: {’.A.striata6’}

srun: error: compute1: task 0: Exited with exit code 1.

Previously, I analyzed this data in R with DADA2 pipeline. As I need a biom file for PICRUSt analysis I tried to get a biom file with my ASVs, but I faced format troubles when trying to export the phyloseq object to a biom file. I want to reanalyze my data with Qiime2, so I could get a biom file without format issues. I rerun the same command without the unmatched file ‘.A.striata6’ but the result was the same.

Any help with overcoming this issue would be really appreciated, thanks in advance!!

Hi @Manu - the error message is telling you that the forward and reverse files for sample ".A.striata6" aren't the same length - they need to be the same length though, so that each forward read has a matching reverse read. Double-check that you fully copied or transferred your files, this is usually a symptom of an incomplete transfer.


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