Dear all!
I want to group my table by some columns and then make a taxa barplot.
I have the following code:
outdir = 'Results/Taxa_barplots'
tabin = 'Data/tables/All_table.qza'
groups = ['Group_TP', 'Group_Treat']
!mkdir -p $outdir
for group in groups:
grouped = 'Data/tables/All_%s_grouped.qza' % group
taxabar = outdir + '/%s_taxabarplot.qzv' % group
#Group tables
!qiime feature-table group \
--i-table $tabin \
--p-axis 'sample' \
--m-metadata-file Metadata/metadata.tsv \
--m-metadata-column $group \
--p-mode 'mean-ceiling' \
--o-grouped-table $grouped
!qiime taxa barplot \
--i-table $grouped \
--i-taxonomy Data/combo_taxonomy.qza \
--m-metadata-file Metadata/metadata.tsv \
--o-visualization $taxabar
And I am getting the error:
Saved FeatureTable[Frequency] to: Data/tables/All_Group_TP_grouped.qza
Plugin error from taxa:
Sample IDs found in the table are missing in the metadata: {'S_4', 'J_4', 'R_3', 'SC_6', 'S_1', 'G_5', 'R_4', 'S_5', 'G_2', 'R_2', 'R_5', 'S_3', 'S_2', 'J_3', 'R_1', 'RC_6', 'G_4', 'G_6', 'J_6', 'R_6', 'J_2', 'G_3', 'S_6'}.
And here is the screen of my metadata:
The same code worked for me in Qiime2019.4, but recently I reinstalled my system and downloaded Qiime2-2019.10. I wanted to redo this part and encountered the error. All missing values are present in metadata file, since grouping of my table worked fine. Where is the problem?
Thank you in advance