Taxa filter-table: All Features must be in the taxonomy

qiime taxa filter-table
--i-table filtered-table-1.qza
--i-taxonomy taxonomy.qza
--p-mode contains
--p-include p__
--p-exclude 'p__;,Chloroplast,Mitochondria'
--o-filtered-table filtered-table-3.qza
Plugin error from taxa:

All features ids must be present in taxonomy, but the following feature ids are not: c0358454295af1d33f469177e5eaa741, 5047bb5e6cb440bf57db8f605a9df5a6, 48364dffc9e6030e18b68d7255d16cc9, 4adefb8fd3b588609940f3886b49d9c5,

Hi @Mohamed_S.AboHoussie ,
This indicates that there are features missing in your taxonomy that are in your feature table.
Please confirm that your taxonomy was made using the rep-seqs that came from the same command as your table.


Hi @cherman2,
Yes there is a lot of features missing I don't know why .. I just type some of them.
And yes the taxonomy.qza and feature-table-1.qza using same commands from the tutorial
Thank you for your response

Generally, this error states that this data was not generated based on the same data if you are getting an error that tells you that there are alot of missing features.

Could you provide your taxonomy.qzv and your filtered-table-1.qzv so that I can confirm what steps you took via provence?

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