sir i m facing problem to importing my demultiplexed data in qiime 2

sir i have 2 fastq sequences for one sample R1 and R2. and i don't have other information such as barcode and all. my question is how i can upload my this sequence in qiime 2 for analysis?
i tried with Parkinson mouse tutorial but when i upload my data it showing error . i am attached screenshot of the erors

the error showing when i upload the data.
this is the manifest tsv file which i created.
and this this the path folders.
sir where i am doing mistake ?


Two issues:

First, you appear to be providing a TSV manifest to, but using the old V1 manifest format. You should change the --input-format to read PairedEndFastqManifestPhred33V2 (note the V2 at the end).

Second, you have an extra space in the first column's header name, right after the sample-id - delete that and you should be set.


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