Silva classifier seven level code

You generally have it. But the 7-levels may not particularly work well for the Eukaryotes (unless you make your own modifications), which is why we provide other file versions with the full taxonomy strings. :yarn:

But one point of clarification, usually a member of the QIIME team downloads the raw data from SILVA, and carries out the formatting pipeline as outlined in the Silva_132_notes.txt file. After this is completed, we work with SILVA to make these files available to the community. :people_holding_hands:

Also, to give proper credit the was written by @William :slight_smile:

In the post I linked / referred to earlier, we think we have a way of alleviating these taxonomy issues, mainly those dealing with the Eukaryotes.

We are currently discussing the best short-term and long-term way to fix this. But we would welcome any input on this. :coffee:
