Segmentation fault

2021 Balo.qzaate-sequences -i-sequences 2021 Bal0.qza --0-dereplicated-table 2021 Balo-v-table.qza--o-dereplicated-sequences 2021 Balo-v-rep-seqs.qza

Segmentation fault(core dumped)(qiime2-2020.8)qiime2@qiime2core2020-8:/media/sf Qiimes

Hi @Thashikala_Nethmini,
Can you please post a screenshot of your command and the error you are seeing?

Hi @Thashikala_Nethmini,
Segmentation fault errors often occur when there is not enough memory available to run the command you are attempting to run. This may be because you are running qiime2 on a virtual machine, it could be that you are using an older qiime2 environment (2020.8). Are you able to install/use a newer qiime2 release? How much memory is available on this VM?

If you search the forum for this issue you will find others who have encountered it and have been helped in resolving it.



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