Hello! I am trying to run phylo-rpca-without-taxonomy on my data and am receiving a Segmentation Fault error. I am using a filtered feature table and associated insertion tree.
Environment details
Version: I was originally running this in Qiime2 version 2023.9, and am now running it in version 2024.5. I've installed gemelli using command pip install gemelli
Hardware: I am running MacOS with an M1 chip, and have about 22GB of free memory as well as 535GB of disk space available.
Run details
The command I am running is
qiime gemelli phylogenetic-rpca-without-taxonomy \ --i-table filtered_table.qza \ --i-phylogeny insertionTree.qza \ --output-dir phylo_rpca_out
I have run this command successfully with another dataset in the past, but can't see a notable difference between my count tables or trees when I export and inspect the qiime artifacts.
The error I see is
zsh: segmentation fault qiime gemelli phylogenetic-rpca-without-taxonomy --i-table filtered_table.qza
In linux, I have also seen segmentation fault (core dump)
in one trouble shooting attempt.
Troubleshoot attempts
In addition to changing my Qiime2 version, running the code in a linux system, and re-importing my qiime artifacts, I have tried:
Verbose run: I ran the same command as above with the --verbose
flag and got the following result
RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log mat = np.log(matrix_closure(matrix_closure(mat) * branch_lengths))
zsh: segmentation fault qiime gemelli phylogenetic-rpca-without-taxonomy --i-table filtered_table.qza
Forum search: I searched the Qiime2 Forum for divide by 0 errors and found
But this was resolved with a taxonomy reformat, and I'm running without taxonomy. I also searched the Qiime2 forum for segmentation faults and found two posts suggesting a memory issue but, as noted above, I don't seem to have a memory shortage. If my Mac does have one, I assume it would have been resolved when running this command on my linux-based research cluster, which was not the case.
Check Rosetta use: I have also run this command within my MacOS terminal with and without the "Open using Rosetta" option selected from the app menu.
Any feedback or ideas on how to proceed from here would be appreciated. Let me know if I can provide more info