January 13, 2025, 9:58am
Hi @SoilRotifer ,
I noticed that when using "qiime rescript get-gtdb-data", the species-level info is incomplete. For example, "s__Escherichia coli" only shows as "s__Escherichia", missing everything after the space.This makes genus and species levels look the same, may because of GTDB's taxonomy system. Looks like this might be a bug worth reporting to the maintainers.
Just a heads-up! Thanks!
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Hi @GSH ,
Which version of QIIME 2 and RESCRIPt are you using?
Could you please type the following command and share the output?
qiime info
January 13, 2025, 11:26am
Yeah, here's the output:
System versions
Python version: 3.8.15
QIIME 2 release: 2024.2
QIIME 2 version: 2024.2.0
q2cli version: 2024.2.0
Installed plugins
alignment: 2024.2.0
composition: 2024.2.0
cutadapt: 2024.2.0
dada2: 2024.2.0
deblur: 2024.2.0
demux: 2024.2.0
diversity: 2024.2.0
diversity-lib: 2024.2.0
emperor: 2024.2.0
feature-classifier: 2024.2.0
feature-table: 2024.2.2
fragment-insertion: 2024.2.0
longitudinal: 2024.2.0
metadata: 2024.2.0
phylogeny: 2024.2.0
quality-control: 2024.2.0
quality-filter: 2024.2.0
rescript: 2024.2.2
sample-classifier: 2024.2.0
taxa: 2024.2.0
types: 2024.2.0
vsearch: 2024.2.0
Hi @GSH ,
Thanks for this information. This bug was already discovered in June 2024 and fixed in versions 2024.5.1 and later, as announced here:
We recently detected a bug in the RESCRIPt plugin in the initial 2024.5 release, affecting the get-gtdb-data action, which automatically downloads and formats sequences and taxonomy from the Genome Taxonomy Database (GTDB) , e.g., for taxonomic classification.
Due to a recent update in how the GTDB taxonomy is parsed, a bug was introduced that caused the taxonomy to complete only from kingdom to genus level. Species-level information was being ignored. The taxonomy was otherwise correct, so this…
Could you please install the latest version and let us know if you still encounter an issue?
January 13, 2025, 1:42pm
Hi, @Nicholas_Bokulich
My conda version doesn't support installing up to 2024.5, so I installed 2024.2 instead. However, I’ve already resolved the issue by matching the species information from the GTDB database.
Thanks for your efforts!
February 15, 2025, 9:37pm
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