Hi everyone, there are two issues here: @arwqiime's immediate needs and longer term plans regarding readytowear.
@arwqiime, @Nicholas_Bokulich is correct, 138 weights won't work with 138.1 reference data. Fortunately, you can generate the weights you want with a single call to a clawback
qiime clawback assemble-weights-from-Qiita \
--i-classifier <the classifier you generated from the 138.1 reference>.qza \
--i-reference-taxonomy <your 138.1 reference taxonomy>.qza \
--i-reference-sequences <your 138.1 reference sequences>.qza \
--p-metadata-key empo_3 \
--p-metadata-value "<the particular habitat you're interested in - probably Animal distal gut>" \
--p-context Deblur_2021.09-Illumina-16S-V4-150nt-ac8c0b \
--o-class-weight my-138-1-weights.qza \
--p-n-jobs <as many cores as you are allowed on a single machine>
That call will take at least overnight to run and process. Perhaps try it with "Plant surface"
for metadata-value
first as a smoke test.
Some background on that command is available in the tutorial.
Now, @thermokarst and @Nicholas_Bokulich, I think that it is pretty important to make weights available for the latest versions of SILVA. The current script makes use of the SILVA 138 references that are made available on the QIIME 2 data resources pages.
Is there any intention to update the QIIME 2 data resources any time soon, or should we go it alone? RESCRIPT would make it pretty easy (if slow) to create our own standard references.