RE: Would there be a reason to truncate the forward and reverse reads at different points?

I have the same problem, I saw your advice, and I have a question
I would like to paired the forward and reverse before I truncate sequences. I try to do qiime 2 dada2 denoised-paired --help. But it did not show a command to execute this. Can you help me on this please ?

Thank you.

Hello @nbezia01,
I don’t believe that dada2 does what you are wanting.
If you want to join your sequences before quality control. I would recommend checking out our Alternative methods of read-joining. This will have you join your reads and then run deblur for quality control. Does that sound like what you are looking for?

If you want to use dada2 then you will have to trim prior to joining.
Hope that helps!
Chloe :turtle:

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