qzv file conversion

I wanted to convert qzv file to image file and I could not find any options like that in the qiime2 views tool.
May I know is there any easy way to download the qzv file to png or other format that can be used for publication, thesis etc. ?
For instance, I wanted to save heatmap qzv file into image file, but could not find any options to do so.

Thank you for your help!

Hey @suetli19
I would recommend you to use the Qiime2R plugin in R which is very much useful for visualization but it is a little bit harder. Here is the tutorial. Hope it will be helpful..!


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Hello @suetli19!

There is a button in the upper left that says "Download SVG" - this is a common vector format used in publication. As well, you can right-click on the heatmap itself and download the image:

Hope that helps!


Hi @thermokarst ,

I have tried both options; by clicking 'download SVG' and right click to save as HTML file. But both downloads gave me this error, 'failed-no file'.

Hi @Sreevatshan ,

Thanks for the information, and yes, it looks more difficult. But I'll look into it.
Thank you!

Suet Li

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A few questions:

And another thing that concerns me is that, the length of the heatmap is too long to fit into a page. So, I'm wondering if there's any tool that can make it vertical or something I can do to shorten the heatmap (I've changed from level 6 to level 3, and it's still long). And the words are really small :sweat_smile:

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Hi @suetli19, sorry for the slow reply!

I'm not sure why you're not able to download the SVG - perhaps there is a browser setting impacting this? You can also export your visualization and open the SVG file up, that way. Please let us know how it goes!

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