how do i quality filtering of ion torrent single sequence by their quality score?
than you.
Welcome to the forum @Raju_Biswas !
You can use denoise-pyro
to denoise ion torrent sequences. See this topic for more description of what one other user is doing for processing ion torrent data:
Hi QIIME2 community,
My colleague @Lauren I have been using the Ion torrent 16S Metagenomics Kit to sequence some clinical samples that we have. Our sample sets are both longitudinal. The kit consists of two primer sets, one for V2-4-8 and one for V3-6,7-9. The products of the reactions are pooled per sample, and then the rest of library prep is completed. Each sample gets its own barcode. Ion Torrent produces single end reads.
The issue here is that the reads from each of the 6 variable regio…
Good luck!
March 10, 2020, 1:27am
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