qiime2R can't be installed due to Hmisc

error message:
ERROR: dependency 'Hmisc' is not available for package 'qiime2R'

Hello, Just wondering I've tried to re-install the Hmisc pkg again but still fail to install qiime2R. I've worked on troubleshooting for a period but still unable to solve it. Could u please help me, thanks~

Edward Kao

I forget saying, my PC is WIN11 system

Hi Edward,

Welcome to the forums! :qiime2:

my PC is WIN11 system

Are you using Windows 11 directly, or using the WSL terminal to install this in a Linux environment?

How are you installing this? Like this or some other way?

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Thanks for your quick reply ~ I use WIN11 directly, just try installing it on my Rstudio.

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It looks like Hmisc is on CRAN and conda forge:


What have you tried? How do you know it did not work, like what errors did you see?

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