Hi I booted an Ubunutu 16.06 instance on Amazon and installed miniconda3 and then followed the instructions available at Installing QIIME 2 — QIIME 2 2.0.6 documentation. So, for example, I did this:
Now if I execute the qiime info command - I get the following that tells me that I don't have any plugins installed (but I do)
(qiime2) ubuntu@ip-172-31-51-174:~$ qiime info
System versions
Python version: 3.5.2
QIIME version: 2.0.6
q2cli version: 0.0.6
Installed plugins
No plugins are currently installed.
You can browse the official QIIME 2 plugins at https://qiime2.org
Application config directory
So i I try to reinstall the plugins I get the following:
Okay let's repeat qiime info but as before it does not acknowledge the presence of the plugins
(qiime2) ubuntu@ip-172-31-51-174:~$ qiime info
System versions
Python version: 3.5.2
QIIME version: 2.0.6
q2cli version: 0.0.6
Installed plugins
No plugins are currently installed.
You can browse the official QIIME 2 plugins at https://qiime2.org
Application config directory
Also note that there is a problem the first time I do "qiime info" relative to libsm6 which is easily solved by apt-get install libsm - After that I can do the qiime info with no problem. Please advise Thanks
This sounds similar to this issue. I do not recall any errors related to libsm6 — but I had the same issue with qiime not detecting installed plugins on a linux system.
You could attempt this: echo "backend: Agg" > ~/.config/matplotlib/matplotlibrc
and then see if qiime info lists your plugins as detected.
After stewing on this a bit more, the libsm6 warning is related to matplotlib and its default configuration. If you are running this on a headless server (which I assume you are), then you have to configure matplotlib to use a headless rendering backend, just as @Nicholas_Bokulich mentioned. The easiest is to add a config to you local user account that specifies the Agg backend for matplotlib. Just to clarify, the libsm6 is coming from matplotlib and its default configuration, you shouldn't need that package installed once you configure the Agg backend. Hope that helps!
and then check for plugins. If that doesn't fix it, please post back with more details on the exact commands you used to install and any specific error messages, if these deviate from the initial post. Also, to confirm that the plugins are installed correctly, use:
Thank you, I have the same problem with the 'Error: No such command "demux"' though i have installed it. After the command qiime dev refresh-cache , everything is fine.