Hello Qiime2 community!
I want to use the qiime2 metagenome distribution on google colab. Is this feasible? So far, i have only found a tutorial on setting up and utilizing the qiime2 amplicon distribution on google colab.
Are there any available options for setting up and utilizing the qiime2 metagenome distribution on colab?
For example, if we want to use this URL from the install page https://data.qiime2.org/distro/metagenome/qiime2-metagenome-2024.5-py39-linux-conda.yml
that line would look like
Hi @Joel_Daniel_Tigrero ,
As far as I know, Google Colab only provides a rather small amount of free resources. I do not know the resource limits off-hand, but it is very likely that it is not a feasible amount for analyzing shotgun metagenome data (depending on the size of your dataset and which analyses you wish to perform).
But if you give it a try please let us know what you find.
A good heuristic is that it will cost as much to process your metagenomics data as it did to sequence it.
(Once you have a stable, 'production-ready' workflow, I've helped my teams reduce that cost by 1 order of magnitude. Still not cheap.)